Thursday, September 18, 2008

Microsoft Vs Apple

Microsoft, Apple Work Together…WTF?!

Hell hath not frozen over, folks. Microsoft, with the help of Apple, released a patch today for Vista users who have been getting corrupted iPods upon ejection. I just about spewed my drank all over my screen when I read this quote from Vista product manager Nick White:

“The long and short of it is this: Apple and Windows have partnered together to ensure a great experience in using Windows Vista with iTunes and the iPod, and both companies recommend you download this update.”

OS Evolution Microsoft vs. Apple

Since Windows 95 dropped more than a decade ago, our desktops have evolved to no end. Having recently had a fresh Leopard install on our Macs, we thought we would take a look back, with a side-by-side comparison of Windows and Mac operating systems. All the major releases are here, and it is interesting to see the general progression made. Jump for our ridiculously large and awesome image, put together by Gizmodo’s new intern.

The breakdown shows Windows to be making major aesthetic development around the release of Windows 2000. Mac OS took off a little later, with OS 9 looking like a gimped UI in comparison. Mac OS X saw Apple make a large step up in the graphic pants department. The eye candy at present seems pretty level between the two. Perhaps Apple has the slight edge? However, functionality is an entirely separate ball game. What do you guys make of it all? Post your views, as well as the obligatory Apple/Microsoft flame war, in the comments below.

Personally I have been using Windows XP for a long time and I love it, but I upgraded to Vista and used it for about a year until my hard drive crashed. Then I came back to XP and probably won’t upgrade for maybe another year. As for me their really is no reason to upgrade.

Windows Vista vs Apple Mac OS X

Is Vista a “copycat” of Mac OS X? Enjoy these comics and videos on Vista vs Mac OS X, or perhaps Microsoft vs Apple saga.

Apple revenues could catch Microsoft by 2010

Apple Inc. has a decent shot of outgrowing Microsoft Corp. within the next five years if it can keep churning out hit wonders, an extrapolation of revenue data from the two industry heavyweights has revealed.

An analysis at 10Layers points out that while both Microsoft and Apple have seen healthy revenue growth in the last 5 years, Apple is growing at a near exponential rate compared to Microsoft's linear path.

"Microsoft’s revenues have grown approximately 60 percent from just under $30B in 2002 to over $44B in 2006," the report states. "However, while Microsoft has grown linearly for this period, Apple has accelerated with revenues of just under $6B in 2002 growing to just under $21B in 2006."

For Apple, that represents an impressive 250 percent revenue growth.In an attempt to predict the future growth rates of both firms, 10Layers compiled an extrapolation of Microsoft’s linear and Apple's almost exponential revenue growth from the past twelve months.The pure extrapolation shows that Apple could catch up with Microsoft as early as 2010 or 2011, given the current growth rates.

HTC registered “Touch” as trademark: dispute Microsoft vs. Apple iPod

remember all the dispute between Cisco and Apple over the trademark of “iPhone”, not only was it good publicity for both companies but they also sorted out a deal between them.Now we have just found out that HTC has already registered the “Touch” trademark worldwide and the iPod touch looks to be breaking that trademark (although that is not official).The CEO and president of HTC (Peter Chou) recently said he is “proud to share the same vision as Apple over touch screen functions”, but I would also imagine that Microsoft are just waiting for Apple’s phone call on this.

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